A group that you can trust.
Sodarca was created in 1973 as "Sociedade Distribuidora de Armas de Caça" with the porpuse of developing activities in the firearms, ammunition and accessories, and hunting and fishing clothing areas.
Com o avançar dos anos, a Sodarca passa a ser administrada pela 3ª geração da família Bravo, com um forte espírito empreendedor, que apostou em diversificar as suas áreas de negócio e que desta forma renomeou a empresa para Sodarca Group, thus being present in the following areas:
With an increasing focus on digital media and proximity to its customers, across all the group's companies, Sodarca tem vindo a modernizar e dinamizar todas as suas plataformas de comunicação através da adoção de ferramentas mais atuais e inovadoras. No futuro a Sodarca pretende continuar a ser reconhecida pelo o espírito empreendedor e resiliente dos seus fundadores.
To send your CV, fill in the fields on the side with your name and company to which you want to apply. Upload your CV in pdf with a maximum of 3mb.
The application will be received by our human resources department and we will contact you as soon as we are recruiting.
Thank you.